Oral Hygiene, An Overview

Oral Hygiene

Oral Hygiene, An Overview


Oral hygiene is the practice of taking care of teeth and gums through daily brushing and flossing. Regardless of the common assumption, oral hygiene is more than flashing pearly-white teeth. It is the total cleaning of your gums, teeth, and mouth every single day. Good oral hygiene includes daily cleaning rituals and regular check-ins with the dentist. Your hygiene can include products and routines that can be best practiced by you. Oral hygiene covers the basics of dental and oral care, and although it is highly underrated, ignoring it can have an immediate impact on your teeth and gum health.
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The Importance of Oral Hygiene

Oral hygiene is all about taking preventative measures so you can negate the possibility of larger problems such as gum disease, bad breath, cavities, and other health risks. The status of your mouth is one of the most important indicators of your entire health profile. Any infection precipitating inside your mouth can travel to the entire body within seconds. Keeping your teeth and gums healthy sounds easy, yet many people fail to complete the ritual every day. A healthy mouth mirrors a healthy body. For example, constipation can manifest in your mouth with a form of ulcer, and jaundice often presents itself with a yellow tongue. This is why maintaining sound oral hygiene is important, because your mouth is your window to the insides of your body.
Also Read: Top 7 reasons claiming the importance of oral health

Alarming Signs of Poor Oral Hygiene

There are several warning signs of deteriorating oral health that must be heeded before it transforms into larger issues. The commonly visible signs of poor oral hygiene are:

  • Tooth decay
  • Chronic bad breath
  • Bleeding gums
  • Sores and ulcers
  • Cavities
  • Loose teeth
  • Receding gums
  • Persistent toothache
  • Swelling
  • Tongue deposits
  • Gingivostomatitis

Best Practises to Improve Oral Hygiene

There are many types of oral hygiene. Here are some of the best tips for each of the routines:

Brushing : -

  • Brush at least twice a day, once when you wake up and once before going to bed.
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Place the brush at a 45° angle towards your gums and apply gentle motions to the gums and enamel.
  • Pick fluoride toothpaste and stay away from artificial flavoring
  • Use an interdental brush for deep cleaning.
  • Fluoride-based toothpaste cuts through the tooth enamel and prevents decay in teeth.
  • Switch toothbrushes every six months.

Flossing : -

  • Learn to floss and use dental floss to reach between your teeth.
  • Take an 18-inch long floss thread and section it between your teeth.
  • Form a C shape with the floss around a tooth and apply at least 10 strokes to clean it.
  • Use the floss to remove biofilm from your teeth

Tongue : -

  • Use the bristles of your brush to clean your tongue
  • Use a tongue scraper to wipe off excess buildup from your tongue.
  • Use a warm cloth to clean the walls of your mouth.
  • Clean your tongue at least once a day, preferably after you wake up.

Mouthwash : -

  • Gaggle an antibacterial mouthwash at least once a day.
  • Wash away the debris and foul plaque with a strong mouthwash.
  • Do not drink water for at least 10 minutes after gargling the mouthwash.
  • Pick an alcohol-free formula to prevent your mouth from drying up throughout the day.

Dentistry : -

  • Set up routine exams at your local dentist and make it a priority.
  • A bi-yearly exam is the recommended frequency to visit the dentist.
  • Take care of any cavities or gum diseases as soon as you can.

Daily Habits : -

  • Refrain from consuming tobacco every day.
  • As smoking is the leading cause of oral cancer, try to minimize or completely eliminate the habit.
  • Chew gum regularly.
  • Avoid gorging on sugary snacks throughout the day and make sure to drink water after snacking.

6 Reasons Why You Should Pay Attention to Your Oral Hygiene

Protecting your smile: -

We love your smile, and we hope you keep it up. The best way, of course, is to be regular at the dentist's office. Dental health is often underestimated in the grand scheme of things. But keeping a clean set of 32s is essential if you want to have a fulfilling personal and professional life.

Early detection of cancer: -

Oral cancer is aggressive and relentless. It can progress rapidly and often goes unnoticed until it's very late. There's only one way to keep it in check, and that is through regular visits to the dentist.

Prevention is better than cure: -

Dentists equip you with vital information with regard to your oral care. Instituting these tips in your daily routine can save your precious teeth from a ton of irreversible damage.

Minimizing expenditure: -

A root canal is cheaper than a dental replacement, and scaling is cheaper than a root canal. The price of dental procedures only increases as time goes. It is better to have bi-yearly checkups and keep your teeth in line, or else you will have a long bill with your name on it.

Understanding the changes: -

Our bodies are subjected to intense changes throughout our lives. The habits that sustained us in our 20s won't hold ground in our 30s. The same is with our oral care. Being in regular touch with dental experts keeps us updated on the changing anatomy of our mouth.

Prolonging your natural teeth: -

No matter how many old people you see rocking dentures, they are not an integral part of your growth. You can have healthy teeth until the end of your life, given you pay proper care and attention to them in the years that matter. Dentists equip you with treatments that aid in prolonging your natural teeth.

In Conclusion

Preventative dental care is affordable and so much better than emergency care, which can burn a hole in your pocket and can lead to severe pain. Good oral hygiene is one that can be practiced by you every single day. Mansarovar Dental College, Bhopal recommends not to complicate some basic steps such as brushing and flossing. By following these basic guidelines, you can achieve sound oral hygiene too.

